Reminders/invitations from the Career Development Center


It is that time of year, when internship and job deadlines for summer approach.

  1. Get ready for the career fairs coming up in February!  Listen to my 5 minute career readiness podcast- –
  2. Come to the LAUNCH Workshops to earn a professional development certificate!  It is fun and you get candy!
  3. Apply to the Chile summer internship program (see attached).  It is for ALL majors and you get 8 credit hours taking a distance ed course with me while being matched with a career project that fits with your future goals.  DEADLINE is JAN. 31, 2019.  This is an 8 week program and Spanish is not required.
  4. Come to our drop in hours 2100 Pullen Hall, M-F 11-2pm first come first served to get your resume critiqued, or log on to ePack to schedule a time to talk to your career coach.


Marcy Bullock, Director, Professional Development