Fall 2024 Special Topics & Capstone Courses

See the Supplemental Course List for your curriculum to learn how the course will count toward your degree.

Capstone Courses

BIO 483 (001) – Neuroimmunology, Behavior, and Disease

While historically seen as separate systems, the immune and nervous systems are increasingly recognized as intricately connected, with profound implications for physical and mental health. In this course we will explore how these two systems interact with each other to influence brain and behavioral health and disease in both humans and non-human animals. Students will learn to critically analyze, synthesize, and present current literature in neuroimmunology as well as learn about state-of-the-art techniques in the field. The course format includes introductory lectures by the instructor, followed by student-led discussions on preclinical and clinical scientific papers linking immunology to mental health. A key component of the course will be the development of a mini-review on a topic of interest, which will serve as the final project and will be presented during a poster session, offering the students the chance to receive direct feedback from peers and other faculty members. By the end of the course, students will not only have a comprehensive understanding of neuroimmunology but also the ability to critically evaluate and contribute to this rapidly evolving field of study. Additionally, they will acquire proficiency in scientific writing and oral presentation skills, further enhancing their ability to effectively communicate scientific information.

Contact Dr. Natalia Duque-Wilckens (nduquew@ncsu.edu) for more information

BIO 484 (94) – Circadian Clocks, Cancer and Environmental Health

State-of-the-art advances in circadian clock biology and its mechanistic role in carcinogenesis, pharmacological, and toxicological sciences presented with applications in environmental health,
cancer, aging, cardiovascular, and sleep physiology.

Contact Dr. Shobhan Gaddameedhi (sgaddam4@ncsu.edu) for more information

Special Topics Courses


BSC 295 (001) – Cell and Molecular Science

Overview of cellular biology with an emphasis on the integration of organic molecules and their structure and function in the cell. Focus will be on problem solving and critical thinking skills as we integrate case studies, research data, and problem sets into the course curriculum.

BSC 295 (002) – A Science Story

Science is ever-changing with new discoveries and advances happening all the time. However, behind each major scientific breakthrough, there are often untold stories that have been
overlooked or concealed. This course aims to uncover these hidden stories and reframe the narratives around some of our iconic science stories. Students will explore the power of storytelling including the elements and tools that are used to create narratives. There will be opportunities to collaborate with the NC State University Libraries and the Digital Media Studio.

BSC 295 (003) – Genes, Race, and Society (Approved GEP US DEI)

In this course, students will:

  • Examine the historical development of theories of “race” in the Western world as applied to human social institutions
  • Develop a basic understanding of the principles of evolutionary/population biology, genetics, and taxonomy as they relate to anthropology

BSC 495 (90) – Neuromuscular Physiology

This course is a comprehensive study of the multiple facets of neuromuscular physiology.  Topics include a review of basic neuromuscular anatomy and physiology, mechanisms of embryonic and postnatal development of neuromuscular systems, the molecular mechanisms governing muscle growth and atrophy, an overview of the major known diseases and dysfunctions affecting proper neuromuscular function, and an investigation of the traditional and latest techniques used in the repair of neuromuscular injury.  The course will make use of traditional textbook information complemented with primary literature articles.  Interactive lectures, in-class discussions, and individual/group guided inquiry will be used in order to promote effective and enjoyable learning.

BSC 495 (108) – Macroevolutionary Theory

BSC 495 – Microbial Genomics

MEA 493 – Invertebrate Paleontology

AEC 495- Environmental Issues in Aquatic Ecology

This course explores the science, policy, and politics of environmental issues affecting aquatic ecosystems from freshwaters to the open ocean.  Its overall goal is improved protection of these natural resources and the health of people across the world who depend on them for potable water supplies and seafood.

NTR 495 – Introduction to Sports Nutrition

NTR 495 – Nutrition for the Older Adult

ES 495 – Environmental Behavioral Change

BSC 295 – Hold My Beer! The Genetics & Genomics of Brewing

Discover the pivotal role of genetic and genomic tools in elucidating the intricate biology of plant and yeast species crucial for the art of beer brewing. Delve into how these methodologies shed light on the diverse varieties and strains essential for crafting the perfect brew. Gain insights into the genetic underpinnings of flavor profiles, fermentation characteristics, and other key attributes that contribute to the rich tapestry of brewing traditions across the globe.

BSC 295- From Wild Plants to Food

Investigate how ancient humans cultivated the first crops and the genetic changes that accompanied this pivotal shift. Delve into the genetic basis of domestication and its effects on crop diversity, while also examining modern techniques like gene editing for crop improvement. Explore how agriculture transformed human societies and continues to shape our world today.

BSC 295- Maize Matters: Exploring Past, Present, and Future of Corn

Embark on a fascinating journey through the story of corn, from its ancient roots in central Mexico to its modern-day role in agriculture. This course explores the profound impact of genetics on agriculture and everyday life, addressing questions about the origins of crops, selection, and agricultural practices. Through scientific readings and engaging discussions, students will gain a deeper understanding of genetic variation and its implications for our world.

BSC 295- Behind the Genes: Exploring Stories of Genetic Discoveries

From Mendel’s peas to CRISPR, this course will explore tales of perseverance, ingenuity, and serendipity that have shaped our understanding of genetics. We will explore personal journeys of pioneering scientists, the ethical dilemmas inherent in genetic research, and the profound implications of genetic discoveries on society. Students will grapple with the ethical dilemmas of genetic research, exploring questions of consent, equity, and social responsibility, while critically assessing the profound societal implications of genetic discoveries on healthcare, agriculture, biodiversity, and beyond.

BSC 295- Biotechnology & Bioengineered Foods

Sustainable agriculture. Genetically modified organisms. Social justice. Organic food. Biotechnology. You’ve heard these buzzwords, but what do they mean? Does sustainable mean organic? What does biotechnology have to do with social justice? Should I eat GMOs? Should I avoid them? This course will explore how biotechnology can be used to engineer foods, and how food biotechnology can be used to work toward sustainability and social justice. We will have to not only learn some science, but also grapple with the definitions of terms that are used to mean different things by different people. Together, we will practice dissecting scientific claims, discussing sometimes controversial topics, and thinking about how we approach wicked problems related to our foods.

BSC 295 – Acoustic Communication

Across the animal kingdom, sounds play critical roles in species survival, including mating, parental care, and predator avoidance. In this course, we will adopt a broad, integrative approach to this subject, examining the role of particular acoustic communication systems from the proximate level (i.e., how do brains produce and detect sounds) to the ultimate/evolutionary level (i.e., how does this acoustic signal affect fitness?) Topics that might be covered include ultrasonic communication, duetting, acoustic threat displays, bird song learning/tutoring, sound-based mate localization, and/or eavesdropping by predators, parasites or “sneaker” males.

Biotechnology Courses

Data Science Academy Courses (Many Options Linked Here)