Study Neuroscience in Germany!

The FUN Abroad German Neuroscience course is back for the summer of 2019 and the application deadline is February 20th. Specific course information can be found at the course website – Students from any College or University in North America are welcome to take the course.

The program dates are May 22nd to June 14th, 2019.

Neuroscience Seminar in Germany is a summer study abroad program for undergraduate students interested in Neuroscience.  It is a collaboration between the College of Charleston, the Faculty for Undergraduate NeuroscienceLudwig Maximilians Universität (LMU) in Munich and Charité Medical University in Berlin. Since 2012, the course has brought together neuroscience students from across North America to engage with cutting edge neuroscience research while immersing themselves in the deep history of the discipline found in Germany.  The course can also be stepping off point for future neuroscience research experiences abroad. Former students have returned to Germany to do summer research through the RISE program, several students have earned Fulbrights and spent a year in Germany, and several have also applied to German neuroscience graduate programs.