Thinking of Studying Abroad in Spring 2019? DEADLINE COMING UP!

Deadline rubber stamp

The departmental deadline for turning in course approval paperwork is Sept 7.

Step 5 in the Application Process (“Determine how your study abroad program fits in with your academic plans.”) Please have your Course Approval Form (see below) in to the department by Sept 7 (even better: before Labor Day). This will give us plenty of time to get approval from the various administrators before the Study Abroad deadline of Sept 15.

What you need to do:  After you have decided upon a program and have met with a Study Abroad advisor

  • Research course options at your chosen institution/program.
  • Fill out a draft Course Pre-Approval Form.
  • Email the Coordinator of Advising, Jill Anderson, your Pre-approval form and links to or copies of any supporting documentation (syllabi, often available online, are best; course descriptions at the very least).
  • Ms. Anderson will be in touch about setting up an appointment, or with recommendations for your courses before meeting.